What can we expect in the future?

Henry Allen
2 min readMar 26, 2021

Well, this isn’t exactly a new question. We’ve all thought about the technological advancements awaiting us in the future. Whether or not we’ll ever get our hovercars, teleporters, or advanced Artificial Intelligence. I’ve always been fascinated by the topic of the future, and how different our lives may be, so here are two of my many predictions.

  • Augmented Reality glasses going mainstream: Yes, smart glasses such as Google Glass have existed for some time, but they have yet to go mainstream due to the cost and how utterly ridiculous some make you look, looking again at the Google Glass.

However, I believe that AR glasses may reduce our use or even need for smartphones in the future, as instead of having to take our phones out of our pockets to call someone, we could just do it via our AR glasses!

  • New transport methods: We’ve already seen Uber’s announcement for their air transport service, and I truly believe this could become a reality! The thought of travelling to work or to a friend’s in an air vehicle is just, so exciting!

